Sunday, 9 March 2008

It has been such a busy week end! Yesterday, I assisted Photographer Steve Sutton at a wedding in a local church. The couple who were getting married were delightful. I really did feel it was a privilege to be part of their special day. The Met Office had given us warnings of bad weather but we were really lucky to avoid any rainfall until the evening. The families of the bride and groom as well as all the guest were just great. It was a long day, and again I was impressed with the level of Steve's professionalism. Whilst Steve was organising the formal pictures I took the candid and casual images of the guests and members of the families. There were some spectacular hats and everyone looked just fabulous. The day was a reminder of how very special a traditional English wedding is. The reception was held at a venue about a quarter of an hour away, which also provides an impressive backdrop for more wedding photographs. Steve and I stayed until the guests were due to sit down to eat, and at that point we went back to Steve's house to download what we had taken so far. We even managed to get a bite to eat ourselves, thanks to the kindness of Steve's wife, J.

At 5.00pm we returned to the reception to take a 'dusk' shot. The new Mr and Mrs left their guests momentarily and Steve, arranged for all the lights on the inside of the building to be switched on. The building was magical. I held a video light which illuminated the couple sufficiently in the foreground and Steve took the pictures he needed. By the time I got home and downloaded all the pictures here, I was sooo tired! I don't think anyone should underestimate what hard work being a good wedding photographer is!

Still on the theme of weddings, I attended a Wedding Fair at Sandon Hall (see picture) today, again with Steve. Although he is booked up for the rest of this year, people are already planning their weddings for next year. It was really well-attended. Sandon Hall is a wonderful location for anyone wanting to get married in Staffordshire.

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