Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Just recently I have had a number of requests from people to restore pictures. I am quite a patient person by nature and I do quite enjoy doing this. It's very time consuming and at the moment I am scanning over seventy pictures for a colleague, NS, at work. Once all the pictures have been scanned and restored, the plan is to have them made in to a book. This will then be given to my colleagues parents as a Golden Wedding Anniversary present. The pictures are a wonderful collection of the lives of her parents from childhood to the present day. NS is about the same age as me and many of the photographs of her childhood remind me of my own. It will be a lovely gift for her parents when it is done.

On the subject of childhood, my brother and sister-in-law sent today's picture to me. This is my youngest newphew E. Such a handsome little chap and I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

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