I've had an interesting day today. I went to the florist, Shaun Hirst Flowers this afternoon to drop off some cards I'd had printed up for sale in his shop. He suggested the next batch should be half the size which I think is a really good idea, but I'm going to have to find a different supplier for my printing. I'm using Photobox at the moment for the A5 cards which is okay, but their A6 size cards have borders and no space for me to put Shaun's logo. His idea is that all the people who contribute to his shop will become 'at Shaun Hirst'. This means my cards will need to say 'Caroline Harris at Shaun Hirst'. Cool! Whilst I was in the shop I also collected two arrangements that he had done for me to photograph. The light in the back garden was lovely this afternoon so I took a few shots to make the most of the late afternoon sunshine.
I've heard from DS today regarding her wedding photographs. DS contacted me a little while ago on the off-chance I did wedding photography after she had found my website. I'm hoping to see her sometime soon as I appreciate that she and her husband-to-be really need to get things finalised for their wedding plans. On the subject of weddings and photography, last weekend I finally managed to find some shoes. They were just what I was looking for so I'm really pleased.
1 comment:
Pretty flowers and shoes!!
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