Saturday, 7 February 2009

What a week! I have been asked to pitch for two weddings this week. One not too far from home and the other in Glasgow. Both couples sound lovely and the venues for both weddings are fabulous. I've never been to Glasgow before so it would be really cool to be able to add this to my portfolio.

In addition to this I've been approached by another magazine wanting to run a double-page feature on my website. When I first set up my site I never dreamt that it would have the success that it has. I appeared in the Clikpic advertisements for twelve months, and thanks to Google Analytics I can track, that in the year ending 17 January 2009 I had 121,000 visitors from 175 different countries, visiting my site. I have to supply about ten pictures for the feature and write upto 700 words on how having a website has benefited my business.

We had quite a bit of snow this week and yesterday after work, I managed to scramble up the field and photograph my Oak Tree in the snow. It was so peaceful up there. Tracks in the snow belonging to hares, and pheasants were great to see, but the best part of my visit was seeing a hare run across the snow. That was really beautiful.

This picture is one I took of a wedding guest at Laura's and Robbie's wedding at the end of last year.

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